Friday, March 6, 2020

A tutors guide to choosing the right school for your child

A tutor's guide to choosing the right school for your child For students and parents, it can often be a stressful experience choosing which school to go to, especially when in some cases there can be many to choose from.   Here, Vishal N, one of our 11+ tutors with several years of experience, gives his top three factors to consider when choosing a school. Choosing the right school 1. Location, location, location! This is often the most neglected factor when it comes to choosing the right school. If you live in Harrow and decide to apply for Whitgift (London), you are looking at a travel time of a minimum of 1 hour and 15 minutes â€" and this doesn’t even take into account any traffic. Not only can this be a stressful journey for parents, but can often take its toll on the child who arrives at school fatigued and not in the mood to learn. 2. Whether or not your child can cope with the pressure As we all know, not all children are the same! Just as some children prefer football over music, some children can work well with pressure from teachers and constant mini-tests on a weekly basis, whilst others may begin to dislike school and everything associated with it. Therefore, knowing whether your child enjoys dealing with pressure and always having to be compete academically with his/her peers is imperative when choosing the right school. Some schools are certainly more academically challenging than others. 3. The atmosphere and how you feel whilst visiting the school One of the most important things is to visit the school on open days. This is a fantastic opportunity to not only meet the teachers and ask questions, but it also allows your child to soak in the atmosphere and helps them imagine how they would feel studying in the school for the foreseeable future. Vishal is one of our experienced 7+, 10+, 11+, 13+, 16+, Common Entrance, Admissions and GCSE tutors. He covers Maths, English and Science and has helped many students prepare for competitive entrance exams at a range of schools. If you would like to book a lesson with Vishal, get in touch with him by visiting his profile here! If you would like to find an 11+ tutor, you can search through our fantastic tutors here!

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